Skip Counting Worksheets

Skip counting can be fun, especially among younger children. This is a great thing as children can learn a lot from this skill. As a teacher, you can teach skip counting in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Grades in different ways. To help your students understand and learn the process faster, you can use skip counting worksheets.

Skip Counting Worksheets

What is skip counting 

Skip Counting is a mathematical technique that’s considered a variation of multiplication. Older books call this technique counting by 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, and so on. For instance, in skip counting by 5 worksheets, students count to 50 by only identifying every 5th number – 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50. When you combine the base with the number of groups, you get the basic multiplication equation – 5 x 10 = 50.

Another method used in skip counting worksheets is to color in squares in a chart to demonstrate multiplication patterns. Although this method still exists, critics believe it is not an effective method for teaching multiplication and computation when compared with the traditional multiplication methods.

How to do skip counting 

Skip counting is more commonly known as counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, and more. The skill when mastered can really help in basic mathematical operations like subtraction, addition, division, and multiplication. It’s also used often in counting things like pairs of objects, money, groups of five, boxes that contain 100 bottles, and more.

The basic concept in math counting worksheets that feature skip counting is to add the same number again and again. You may start with any number as needed. For younger students, you can use counting worksheets and skip counting worksheets to help them practice. You can make your own worksheets or download them for free.

Counting Worksheets

The benefits of using skip counting worksheets 

Counting is one of the earliest skills in mathematics that children learn, not just in school but at home as well. They can learn skip counting early on as it really isn’t that difficult a task. It just involves counting by skipping some numbers. It may sound trivial but skip counting is an essential skill that lays the foundation for more complex mathematics concepts.

One great thing about using skip counting by 5 worksheets, skip counting by 10 worksheets, and similar worksheets is that they engage children so they can start having fun while learning. Here are some key benefits of using math counting worksheets to practice skip counting:

  • Children who learn to skip count are more likely to solve multiplication problems more easily and quickly.
  • These worksheets can help older children find multiples. Gaining familiarity and understanding the multiples of numbers is important in developing number fluency and finding the least common multiples.
  • Skip counting can also help children with division as they can relate a division problem with this concept. For instance, you have 32 divided by 8 which they can also interpret as “How many 8’s are there in 32?” If students can skip count by 8’s, they will find that it takes 4 eights to get 32. Therefore 32 divided by 8 equals 4.

Other activities that teach skip counting 

Skip counting is sometimes considered as a fundamental math skill or something that children just recite in the playground. But it is more than that as this skill can help students see patterns in numbers. It also helps in laying a solid foundation for number sense and learning the facts about multiplication. Aside from using skip counting or counting on worksheets, here are other activities you can try with your students:

Let your students use calculators

Many teachers don’t use calculators when practicing their students on skip counting. But this can be a very useful and fun tool when teaching the skill, especially then introducing it for the first time.

Play skip counting games

Children love games and they learn better while playing. Here is a simple but effective game to make learning about skip counting more fun:

  • Let your students sit in a circle
  • Starts by saying a random number out loud then have your students skip count from the starting number until everyone in the circle has had a turn.
  • One great thing about this game is that you can change it based on the needs of your students.

Ask a lot of questions to your students

One strategy that teachers often overlook is to ask a lot of questions. There are a wide variety of questions that can make your students practice critical thinking in terms of skip counting.

For instance, the most common example children do is to “skip count by 2.” Now try to ask your students how many ways they can skip count to 36. Another brain twister is this: instead of asking your students to count to 50 by 5’s, ask them to count by 8’s, 11’s, and other odd numbers. Such activities hone their skip counting and critical thinking skills.

Use a chart and sticky notes

This game is a lot of fun and it’s an interactive method of practicing skip counting. Use a large number chart where you cover some of the numbers with sticky notes. Write a letter on each of the sticky notes. Then ask your students to record the missing numbers on a separate sheet. For instance, have the students start at number 8 and skip count by 4’s.

Practice skip counting through songs

Children love music and there are many free sources about skip counting you can use to make your children move while learning math concepts. You can search for music videos that incorporate a range of concepts and skills.

Some skip counting music videos have great visuals that demonstrate how to skip count using base numbers then adding on other numbers to get the total amount. This is truly a great tool for teaching the concept.

Use manipulatives to practice skip counting

Students who have learned the skill of skip counting would feel very accomplished. But when your students seem to understand the strategy because of their ability to recite a series of numbers, do they really comprehend the purpose of this skill? To reinforce this, you can use manipulatives. Things like paper clips, cubes, and other objects to really make them understand the purpose of skip counting.